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Mission Trip to Liberia

Don protégé

I can remember being a teenager and dreaming of going overseas to do mission work. I would often envision the impact that I could make on the world. I thought about the effect that it would have on me emotionally, physically, and spiritually. For a while I thought it would only ever be a dream. God has continued to remind me to be still and know that HE is God. With faith and with patience, his true plan will be revealed.

"He said to them, "It is not for you to know times or seasons that the Father has fixed by his own authority."
Acts 1:7

As a result of continued patience, I have been afforded the opportunity to head to Liberia in November, 2014 on a missions team from New Birth Missionary Baptist Church of Lithonia, GA, as a member of Called 2 Serve Ministry.

Called 2 Serve strives to minister to others by, "Giving our Highest and Best Efforts to the Kingdom through music and service". The mission trip will enable me to serve the nation, and to give God the glory at the same time. I will achieve this by working on various service projects, campus building projects, music workshops and seminars, local worship services, as well as through Evangelism.

So, here I am READY to make a difference in the lives of others and within myself. I can't do this without you. Your thoughts, prayers, and financial support are needed and greatly appreciated. Please help me achieve my mission and God's purpose for my life.

You may also send payments through this site or through PayPal: [adresse e-mail supprimée]

In closing I also ask that you please keep me in your prayers as I continue to prepare for this great mission of God.

Thank you in advance for all you are doing to help!

Peace and Blessings,

Leslie Alexander

"Declare his glory among the nations, his marvelous works among all the peoples!"
Psalm 96:3

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  • Jennie and Joe Sanders
    • $100
    • 10 yrs
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Leslie Alexander
Charlotte, NC

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