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Soft Kitty health & wellness

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Donations for which I will NOT be charged a fee can be sent to magickcat79  [at]  msn [dot] com if you send AS A GIFT then I do not get charged a fee. Otherwise, about 10% goes to gofundme and/or PayPal. Regardless, all contributions are very much appreciated. Thank you.

On Wednesday, the 7th of January, 2015, I was in what I refer to as "the blue room" (it has pale purpleish-blue walls) in my apartment to put something away. My oldest of 3 long-haired cats, Missy, was in there, looking out the window. I said "Hi Missykins!" and gave her scritches and she gave me nuzzles and head-boops. She jumped down off of the bin she was sitting on, and criss-crossed between my legs a couple of times, rubbing up against me, and she looked at me with her beautiful green eyes and meowed at me (She has always been a very talkative kitty) and I gave her more scritches and said "I love you too sillybutts. I have to go finish getting ready now" and Missy sprawled out in front of the closet, as she so often does, and I went about getting ready for my appointments, playing with Frankie and Whisper a little along the way.
About an hour later I put my coat, hat, gloves, etc on, made sure that my furbabies had food and water, grabbed my keys and my bag and said by to Frankie and Whisper who were on the couch, and Missy, still sprawled by the closet.

Missy did not do her usual lift-her-head-and-give-me-a-cute-how-dare-you-interrupt-my-nap look.

"Meese-meese, I gotta go, you keep the little butts in line, okay?" (Yes, I talk to my cats like they are human t times)
No movement. My heart skips a beat. I stand still and stare to see if she is breathing. I say her name again. This does not look good. I drop my bag where it is, take my coat and gloves off and do the same with those. I am shaking like crazy, and, trying to steady myself, leaned over to put my hand near her. Nothing.  I took as much of a breath as I could, and I touched her. She did not move. I shook my head and put my hand in front of her nose. I touched her again, quietly gasped "Missy, what happened? I'm so sorry. Goodbye baby girl, I love you so much" and I went into the living rrom with Frankie and Whisper and I collapsed in tears, not knowing what to do... and hour ago we were PLAYING.

I had to go to my appointments because they involved testing. I got a giant old bedspread that she loved to nestle in, and I lifted Missy onto it and covered her, and closed the door to the blue room. I turned the thermostat down and told Frankie and Whisper that I would be back as soon as I could, and I headed to the bus stop. I called around about options, and under the circumstances, I really feel that cremation was my only option, though a bit more expensive than a pet cemetery. I have never been through this before. I've lost pets, but never once that I raised for nearly 15 years from 6 weeks old, on my own, and then lost completely out of the blue.

The cremation cost $140. I had some donations, and had to borrow the rest, so now I owe for that, for transpoftation, and I also need to bring Frankie and Whisper to the vet to be examined as soon as possible- especially given the sudden manner in which Missy died.
With the multi-cat discount, a regular vet visit with exam and shots will be $250, but I am told that they will need blood work, which will be at LEAST $200 per cat, and Frankie needs dental work, and they can't give me an estimate, except that it will be a minimum of $500, so add that, possible dental for Whisper, possible meds, additional blood work, transportation to and from the veterinary facility, and continued senior care.

Being that I myself am disabled on a severely fixed income and struggling to stay afloat after 7 surgeries in the past 12 months and very likely more to come, I don't have enough for my OWN medical expenses and food and such, let alone the cats. They mean the world to me though. I have nobody to help me, and I do not drive, so getting their food and litter is also a challenge- this can be remedied with delivery, which is a bit more than buying in a store, but would make a huge difference.

I really don't know what to put for a figure here or how this all works, so I am aiming a bit high to pay for the current debt from when my ex-landlord nearly killed Whisper ($800) the aforementioned costs, and to have a nest-egg for feline emergencies and checkups and maintenence.

Absolutely anything helps and is greatly appreciated. Thank you very much

One the 31st on January, I recieved notice via USPS thatmy landlords are officially raising the rent by $200/month. This is not allowable by the housing authority's standards, so I have to either compensate their voucher by paying an additional $300 per month (yes, I know this makes no sense, but this is what they are giving me for options) plus ridiculous utilities (which don't work- I am freezing and paying through the roof each bill is about $1200 right now) on top of my rent, or find a new place.

I am going to need first, last, security, and possibly a realtor fee (though hopefully not) in order to move into a new place. I have nothing, and because of all of my surgeries and medical expenses, I have nothing. I have no way to save anything anyway, because my income is far, far less than my expenses. I currently owe over $1000 for medication alone.

Frankie is not looking too good. I really want to take him and Whisper to get checked out. So many people private messaged me to make this page... I hate that I had to and I hate that I have to add to it. 

The court ordered the last LL to give back my security plus treble damages- four thousand dollars they ordered her to pay- then they said she didn't have to pay it because she said she didn't get a letter when she was on one of her vacations and she said she was too poor...while she was on aniother vacation and came to court after getting lipo and a makeover with my money... I have nothing, and if I don't get money to move me and the kitties, come the 1st of May, we will all be homeless.

I just want a roof over our heads. I just want peace. I can't take this anymore. I am too sick to keep dealing with this. We can't move without professional movers either...

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  • Anonymous
    • $25
    • 7 yrs


Jesse Nicole
Watertown, MA

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