Photo principale de la collecte de fonds

Team Dream

Don protégé
I am a veteran of the Gulf War and proud to have served in the Royal Air Force.  I am taking part in my first marathon and decided to choose the United States Marine Corps Marathon because the military is still very close to my heart. The marathon will take place on October 22 2017 in D.C. 
I thought this would be a great opportunity to raise money for scholarships to give our choldren an extra chance in getting the education that will provide a great foundation for their future.
I would like to say in advance thank you for your donations, all money received is greatly appreciated and you can be assured that it is going to a great cause.
The Marine Corp Marathon is also known as The People's Marathon and I echo the words "Semper Fidelis"which means "Always Faithful" the motto of the United States Marine Corp.
Je contribue


  • Alicia Mundy
    • $75
    • 7 yrs
Je contribue


Julie Wade
Washington D.C., DC

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