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Krissy's Freedom Fight

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On December 7th, 2017 a man invaded my home. I was 11 weeks pregnant and home alone. This man came up to my door twice. The first time he was polite and asked if he could come back later after my husband came home from his military duties.  This man gave me what we found out to be a fake name and then left. After speaking to my husband over the phone, we could not figure out who it was. The man returned about 15 minutes later while I was on the phone with my husband. My husband hung up and called our neighbor.

My husbands gun was in the TV stand so I moved it to the coffee table because I had a bad feeling. I answered the door by barley cracking it. This man then puts his hand over my mouth and shoves me inside, forcing his way in. He then continues to hit me as he had me leaning over the couch. He then gets me in a corner and gets on top of me and continues to hit me. I smelt a chemical on his hand and he was trying to cover my face. I was struggling to break free and then he says, " if you keep moving I'm really going to hurt you". I then tell him, "I'll do whatever you want; I'll do whatever you want!" And then he leans back and says "yeah you'll do whatever I want!".

I was eventually able able to push him back and break free and grab the gun that was a few feet away.  I ran around the coffee table as he chased me. I,turned and shot him once in the shoulder hoping he would just run away. He didn't. I shot him once more in the heart and he still moved toward me and I shot one more time and it killed him. 

I went to my neighbors to call the police and when they came I told them everything I just described the best I could at the time. Everyone knew I had a prior felony conviction at 18.  Possession of marajuana and intent to distribute. I plead guilty to this charge because I was scared and did nkt want to sit in jail. It was not mine and it was not on me. I was in the wrong place at the wrong time.

The shooting was justified and we were told they were not going to file for a PTR (Petition to Revoke). 8 months later they have released a warrant on me for felon in possesion of firearm. An attorney i need is $300,000 for everything we will need for the case. This is all because I chose to protect my unborn child. He is here today because I took action and I am being prosecuted for that. Any donations or simple community support can help. Brenden Tran my husband is also a beneficiary on this campainas well as myself.


  • Anonym
    • $45
    • 6 yrs

Spendenteam (2)

Krissy Tran
Fort Smith, AR
Brenden Tran
Bren Tran
Team member

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