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Judy and Cameron Beat Cancer & Survive

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This was created on 5/5/2014.  I was diagnosed with advanced Stage III breast cancer on 8/9/10.  I had already lost 25% of my income due to cutbacks in education (I'm a high school teacher), and I didn't know how I could possibly stay afloat financially and I had to declare bankruptcy, so I am sending a trustee almost $1000 every month.  I finished my treatments at the end of June 2011, and I am still teetering on the edge of financial ruin, almost finished with the bankruptcy, and trying to keep paying all the lingering bills and keep my son and me together in our little home in Laguna Hills.  As a single mom, I have a huge sense of responsibility to my son, and I believe I need to protect him and our "family" above all else. I have continued to teach summer school each summer, but it doesn't begin to pay the bills.  Everything mounts up during the school year and I haven't been able to put any money aside for the summer.  I'm hoping to raise enough to pay off my medical bills and pay the mortgage payment I missed last summer because of medical bills.  I just learned today that the bank is considering foreclosure on us because of the missed payment. In addition, my car just died on Friday, and I have no way to get around, other than my bike. Thank you for considering us!  



  • Anonym
    • $25
    • 10 yrs
  • Anonymous
    • $100 (Offline)
    • 10 yrs
  • Anonymous
    • $275 (Offline)
    • 10 yrs


Judy White Watts
Laguna Hills, CA

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