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Jessica Garcia's Funeral Expenses

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Hello, family and friends of Jessica Garcia. This is Yessenia, Jessica's eldest daughter. My mother passed away August 2nd as a result of a violent altercation. My family is praying for justice. Thank you all in advance for your kind words about momma. She was an amazing person overall and always put my sisters and I first, she put everyone before herself to be honest. For those of you who had the privilege and pleasure of knowing her, she was the most selfless and down to earth person who could literally brighten anyone's day! There was always a smile on her face and she was always laughing. She has a huge loving family and supportive friends who will miss her dearly. This is all so surreal but I know God has a plan for us all and has a plan for her. She's an angel now who is watching over us. She'll always be with us  She will be missed but it brings me peace knowing she is no longer suffering and is in a better place now. Thank you!


  • A A
    • $2,500
    • 7 yrs


Senia Echevarria
Buffalo, NY

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