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Help Tom Cruise Walk Again

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Help Get Tom Cruise Back On His Feet

   As many of you may not know, my father has been out of work and unable to walk for the past 6 years. He was recently diagnosed with Lumbar Spinal Stenosis and told traditional surgery would not cure him. His disease triggers a narrowing of his lower spinal region (lumbar), causing compression of the nerves and ultimately his inability to move his legs. When he asked, "What do I do doc?" He was told to sit tight for the next 20 years, since only time and relaxation could help.

   Tom Cruise would never take that as an answer and instead began researching alternatives. We came across a practice in New Jersey that offers minimally invasive procedures undergone by laser. After further investigation, including sending in his MRI, my Dad was chosen as an ideal candidate for the procedure and told this will have him walking again in a week. The cost of the surgery is not covered by his insurance and therefore will be $15,000. Our goal is to raise these funds in total to cover all expenses for the procedure.  This surgery is our last hope for seeing the "Animal" walk normal again and it needs to be done since we all know "you miss 100% of the shots you never take!"

The fundraiser on Saturday April 26th was a great turnout with an overwhelming amount of friends and family there to show support for Tom.  Donations are still being accepted until we reach our goal.  We appreciate all the help thus far and look forward to getting there!

Once again, all donations small and large are helpful beyond words. My father has been struggling for too long, and it is time to get him back on the golf course!  

Click the following for more information:
Laser Spine Institute
Lumber Spinal Stenosis

If you have any further questions, please call or email Nick at (508) [teléfono editado] or [email editado]



  • Dennis Gutman
    • $50
    • 10 yrs


Nicholas Cruise
Cumberland, RI

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