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PROTOTYPES-to-REALITY: unique acoustic instruments

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Hi, I’m Rohan, an indie inventor seeking support to begin manufacturing a new and innovative musical instrument. Your help on GoFundMe will provide the assistance required to begin the production process of an original product that I invented and designed. Introducing the SMART PACIFIER acoustic instrument.

Many people grow up with little exposure to the arts. The SMART PACIFIER will turn passive listeners into musicians, allowing children to think like artists by empowering them to make the very sounds that they hear.

*All multicolor illustrations of this product are renders of the final design. Working prototypes of the invention are found in the videos. Your help is needed to make the final product a reality.

Today, children as young as 12 months old are addicted to smartphones. The SMART PACIFIER will channel their energy into music creation, so they can think like music creators.

All musical sounds, engraved symbols, values and notes on the SMART PACIFIER are recognized by professional musicians worldwide. Babies will learn music principles as they explore and engage with the SMART PACIFIER, diversifying their brain development while utilizing both the left and right hemispheres during the first few years of life.

All musicians agree that music-making is an excellent hobby! With the normalization of machine-generated modern music, the SMART PACIFIER will encourage future musicians to discover their acoustic roots.


♩ 20 Musical Symbols and Values
Note names and timings
♩ 13 Playable Harmonica Notes
Pitch perfect C-to-C
♩ 8-Note Vocal Lesson

* No Batteries Required

This instrument will introduce infants to acoustic music before they can say their first words, making music their very first language. While a child’s speaking voice is developing, the SMART PACIFIER has an 8-note vocal lesson to teach basic singing notes.

In theory, introducing acoustic instruments to infants will strengthen their connection with music. Children will dream about music creation instead of smartphone apps, influencing how they communicate, interact with, and perceive the world around them.

The SMART PACIFIER instrument will be made out of chewable, BPA-free, child-safe silicone. The instrument is lightweight and larger than an infant's mouth. Harmonica holes are smaller than a 12-month-old's fingertips. The instrument can be rinsed with warm water to clean, and put in the dishwasher for a thorough clean. The instrument does not require batteries and will last for decades.

Doctors have yet to test a SMART PACIFIER instrument... they will with your support!

♩ The first 3 years of life are crucial to human brain development. Reference
♩ Playing acoustic instruments improves cognitive development. Reference
♩ Playing musical instruments has mental health benefits. Reference
♩ Playing the harmonica strengthens breathing muscles. Reference

★ The SMART PACIFIER does not require formal lessons or prior musical knowledge to operate as it is designed to be self-taught, learned through curiosity and discovery.

★ This is a S.T.E.A.M. product (Science. Technology. Engineering. Arts. Mathematics.)

★ This is a H.I. product (Human Intelligence).

Why GoFundMe?
Every major toy brand has passed on this idea. It is time to bring these prototypes into production so that children can decide for themselves if they enjoy making music. I am looking for donations to help bring this project to life, as mass-producing toys can be very expensive.

Initial costs that the funding goal will cover include a 3D printed prototype and custom-made molds for the silicone outer layer.

Following this initial stage, the final product will be assembled, then tested by inspectors. After passing all health and safety inspections, standard production can proceed and international shipments will begin.

If the manufacturing process can begin this summer, the instrument will be available by winter 2023. Thank you for your kind donation, let's introduce acoustic music to a new generation.

12 - 24 months

With so many distractions in the world, music creation is an excellent way to tune out and tune in. Requiring concentration, control and technique, music is a mathematical art form that taps into emotion. This instrument can positively shape a child’s life by giving the gift of music, as a first language.

Thank you for believing in this project.



Treble Starter
Etobicoke, ON

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