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Hanover House Fire, Help Replace Belongings

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This morning at 2:30 am my grandparents home burned down. So, it started in the Florida room on the opposite end of the house from the bedrooms. My Grandma heard the fire alarm and woke up Hunter and My grandpa. My grandma ran outside, Hunter and My grandpa went to go see if they could put the fire out. They couldn’t because it was too big and the smoke was making it nearly impossible to see. Hunter went outside to call 911 and realized the whole back of the house was in flames. While he was on the phone he ran back inside to see where Gaga (our grandpa) was. He couldn’t see anything so he laid on the floor to find him. He found Gaga laying on the floor making noises because he had inhaled too much smoke. He threw the phone and grabbed Gaga and dragged him out of the house trying not to pass out himself. When they got outside Gaga was not responsive. Hunter gave him CPR until he came back. I just wanted to post this because I’m so proud of how my brother handled this hectic situation. He is now in the ICU because of the damage that was done to his lungs from going back in and risking his life for our grandpa. Everyone show him some love next time you hear from him or see him. I don’t know about y’all but in my eyes he’s a hero!

Hosting people at their home was their favorite thing to do! No one was a stranger, everyone was welcome. Now that they have lost everything they own they won’t even be able to host Thanksgiving this year.

If anyone wants to donate to helping them get belongings replaced it would be appreciated. Anything helps. Thank you all! 



  • Lori Lewis
    • $50
    • 5 yrs


Jarred Day
Gouldin, VA

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