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Orphan Foal Fund at Highclere Farms

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The Highclere Farms Orphan Foal Fund is to help save the lives of orphaned nurse mare foals. Every year, countless newborn non-thoroughbred horse foals are turned into orphans when the racing industry takes their mothers away from them to instead provide milk to a young racehorse, whose own mother was taken away to be re-bred.

Called "nurse mare foals" and ripped from their mothers within hours of birth, these young orphans, are often killed outright or simply discarded and left to starve to death. Just over a week ago, Highclere Farms answered an urgent call for help from a rescue organization and took in three of these fragile orphan babies.

Despite the fact that we are a small facility with limited financial resources, we couldnt turn our back on these orphans so we stepped up to help - driving over 700 miles roundtrip to bring them to safety. Chance, a colt, was only 3 weeks and Belle, a sweet filly was just over a week old. Blue, another colt, was only 6 days old and barely hanging on when we brought him into the fold. We are working hard to save these babies "“ but we need your help.

These orphaned foals require around the clock care and special formula for feedings. And, because they are incredibly fragile, they need significant veterinary attention. In the first week alone the bills are inching close to $3,000. Will you help us save these babies by making a donation in support of the Orphan Foal Project at Highclere farms? We are committed to these foals and to giving them a happily ever after story but due to the high expenses for their care we can't do this work alone and need others to step up to help us help these babes.

We have set a target fundraising goal of $10,000 which will cover basic expenses for the first 6 months of care. Every penny counts towards making their future better so please make a donation and help us spread the word.

If monetary donations aren't in your budget, please feel free to email us about possible supply donations at [E-Mail ausgeblendet].


  • Katharine Lang
    • $200
    • 10 yrs


Kate Tackett
Burlington, NC

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