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In Memory of Coach Joe Phillips

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It is with extremely heavy hearts that we can confirm, that our high jump coach that we love so much, Joe Phillips, was killed yesterday in a car accident on the 241 freeway on his way to practice. Anyone that knew Coach Joe knew that he had an incredible sense of humor and coached his athletes not for an income, but for their outcome. He loved each and every one of his athletes as if they were his own kids. He valued honesty, teamwork, loyalty, and expected nothing but the best from his athletes. He had a vast knowledge of the sport of track and field and could tell you who won a dual meet, their mark, and the weather from a meet back in 1975 as if it was yesterday. He dedicated his life to the sport of track and field and his Eagle athletes that he coached the past five years. There is a void that can't be filled with Coach Joe's passing but he would tell us not to cry for him, but to perform for him. The rest of our season will be dedicated to Coach Joe and beyond. We love you, Coach, and we miss you and your laugh already.


  • Maya Gomez
    • $30
    • 8 yrs

Organisator und Spendenbegünstigter

Eagles Track
Rancho Santa Margarita, CA
Carolyn Lambert-Phillips

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