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Help Me Retire-The January Fund

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I was going to retire late next year. at 62.  

But after this last round of heart surgery. I decided to retire this year. But there's an obstacle . I owe 100 hours of sick leave. To pay that back through continuing to work would be another year. I honestly don't think I'm up to another year of this.

They will take that out of my last paycheck (and then bill me for the rest). So I will have no money leaving work for at least a month, and until they continue processing everything, not even all in full until the paperwork goes through.

The money will keep me going,  mortgage, food, pet care, student loan payments and utilities until the other stuff gets sorted out.  ( And pay the remaining balance of my sick leave)

I'm now retired, of course, and what I worried about is happening.  I hoped for a break of sorts, but with so many others retiring along with me, I'm guessing there will be a backup of sorts.


  • Anonym
    • $115
    • 7 yrs


Carol Johnson
Cincinnati, OH

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