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Help me to medical school!

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I debated a long time about starting this fund raising account. There is so much need in the world. There are so many people in horrific situations that I felt guilty the moment a friend suggested this avenue. After all, I am blessed and honored to even be in my situation.

The bottom line, however, is as my story may not be a traditionally sad or tragic “go fund me” story, I still have a real and honest need for help. So, after many weeks of thought, I have decided to create this account with a new, positive attitude.

By helping me, you in turn will be helping others. Why? Because, I want to be a Doctor. I want to help people. I want to take care of people. I want to help heal people. One day, I want to be able to possibly offer my services as a Physician for a patient with their own “go fund me” story free of charge.

I know what it is like to struggle. I know what it’s like to have no insurance. I know what is like to be scared and alone. I know what hard work, dedication and commitment means. My life has been a series of challenges and obstacles I have had to overcome. I won’t forget that when I finally reach my goal of becoming a doctor. I will “Pay it Forward,” and I am asking that you help me.

I’m almost there. I’m on my way.  Let me bring you to “today” in my journey.

I have dedicated the past three years of my life to school, volunteering, and getting ready for medical school. During my time as an undergraduate Biology major at Baylor, I worked very hard and diligently to secure a spot in the top of my class with a GPA of 3.95. I hope to finish strong and graduate Summa Cum Laude in May of 2016.

For the past two years, I have also dedicated over 100 hours to volunteering with Providence Hospice, and have truly enjoyed the experiences I have had with patients.

I have been a teaching assistant for two years (during my sophomore and junior years) and worked as a waitress every summer.

Finally senior year has come, and the applications for medical school are piling up. I support myself (pay for my rent and bills), and I currently work as a waitress at Texas Roadhouse.

My tuition to Baylor has been covered up to this point through various scholarships and student loans, which I am paying by myself. My debt is slowly and consistently growing.

I am studying to retake the MCAT and trying to work at the same time (the first time around wasn't bad, it was an okay score but not fantastic and I want to do everything I can to better my chances of acceptance).

This is where I need help. Applying to medical school isn't cheap and I seem to be drowning here. I have already submitted my primary applications to 18 different medical schools, 9 in texas and 9 out of state.

Each school requires a secondary application to be filled out and paid for, in order for them to fully review your application to their school. As far as I've seen, secondary applications alone are expensive! They typically cost anywhere from $50-$100 or more depending on the school, and I applied to 18 schools (mostly to better my chances, not to spend a whole bunch of money). That alone is around $900-$1800!

Unfortunately, my need doesn’t stop there. After I send in my secondary applications, hopefully I will receive interviews to at least half of these schools. If I do, this means I will have to pay for transportation (flights to the out of state schools, taxi rides to get from the airport to the school and hotel, hotel expenses, and gas for in-state schools).

As you can imagine, all of this can add up extremely quick and I have no idea where all of that money will come from. During the school year, I will be working two jobs and attending Baylor for my senior year as a full-time student.

My family is stretching to make ends meet from paycheck to paycheck, and therefore I can't expect them to help me out.

I cannot wait to add those two little letters alongside my name. I cannot wait to cross that stage at the finish line. I cannot wait to give back and help those in need. I will forever remember and be grateful to those who crossed this finish line with me, financially or in the other ways you have been supportive during my journey. Thank you for believing me, pushing me and supporting me thus far! Your help and support are appreciated more than you will ever know.

I’m here. I can see the goal line. I’m on my way. Please run with me!



  • Sandy Roerish
    • $50
    • 9 yrs


Brittany Schall
Waco, TX

Un sitio fácil, eficaz y de confianza donde encontrar ayuda

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