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Help Us Bring Sylvia Home

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Hi, my name John Howell and I’d like to share with you who Silvia Orellana is, what happened to her and what she’s in need of.

Silvia is my aunt through marriage and my wife, Gaby, and I love her very much. She’s a beautiful 49 year old woman from El Salvador, who’s passionate about life, enjoys cheering people up and photographing the beauty found in people and in nature. On her behalf - who right now cannot speak for herself - and on behalf of our family, I humbly ask you to fund Silvia’s transition back to her homeland, El Salvador.  

Recently Silvia traveled from El Salvador to the United States as her usual, outgoing, smart and lively self. In late September of this year she contracted viral encephalitis, which has affected her brain dramatically and changed her life forever. Today she’s at East Cooper Medical Center in Mount Pleasant, South Carolina, without family and with severe cognitive impairment.

Silvia and our family are in need of donations to cover her transition from the hospital in South Carolina, to my home in Arizona, and eventually to her home in El Salvador. Throughout the transition process she will need someone to accompany her. Though she has other expenses that she and our family cannot afford, such as high medical costs here in the United States and a monthly mortgage payment in El Salvador, our family’s immediate concern is bringing her home where she can begin to regain the life that she has forgotten.  

Silvia’s life has changed, but you can make it better by donating today. Please help us with Silvia’s transition back to El Salvador, where her mother, father, brother and three sisters are lovingly and anxiously waiting for her return. Though we need to reach our goal of raising $3000 by October 22nd, 2017, to pay for airline tickets, any donation that exceeds our goal will be given to Silvia to pay for her mortgage and any long-term care that she will need. On behalf our family, I want to thank you for helping us with Silvia’s expenses. May God bless you abundantly for your love and generosity!


  • Tiffani Akers
    • $20
    • 7 yrs
  • Anony mous
    • $100 (Offline)
    • 7 yrs
  • Anony Mous
    • $100 (Offline)
    • 7 yrs
  • Anony Mous
    • $500 (Offline)
    • 7 yrs
  • Todd Howell
    • $50 (Offline)
    • 7 yrs


John Howell
Tucson, AZ

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