Hauptbild der Spendenaktion

Brian's Cancer War Chest

Spende geschützt
Brian Sims, my friend and founding member of the Reinhardt Legacy Fight Team, has been fighting cancer for a year. This despite an early prognosis of 30 days. Now, after spending Christmas in the hospital, his insurance was cancelled because his plan was no longer available in Georgia. He will be insured again in February, but in the meantime his treatment is being delayed at a critical time. Chemo is 11,000 a treatment and biweekly, so I am looking to raise 33,000 to restart his chemo now and continue it seamlessly when he is insured again. 22,000 should get him through this month, the extra 11,000 is to insure against another hiccup in his coverage, and if there is none, then it will be used for out of pocket costs and supportive care.


  • Christina Joiner
    • $300
    • 6 yrs

Organisator und Spendenbegünstigter

Pembroke Williams
Woodstock, GA
Brian Sims

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