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Aid for the Andrus'

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After losing two baby girls at full term, the Andrus' elected to deliver their 3rd girl, Agnes, at 36 weeks via C-Section in St. Louis, so that she would have several teams of specialists on hand should any complications arise, and unfortunately, several have.

Agnes has been transferred to the NICU at St. Louis Children's Hospital, where several teams of specialists are working hard to understand and treat multiple problems, including breathing difficulties, low platelet counts, circulation issues, as well as other problems. There are many serious hurdles to overcome, and there is likely a long fight ahead for Agnes and the Andrus family.

Your donation in any amount is a huge blessing.  Between time off of work, medical expenses, travel, and lodging required to stay in St. Louis with the baby, there will be a large financial burden placed on the Andrus family.  

Please keep Anges and her family in your prayers, and feel free to share this gofundme campagin with your friends and family - every little bit helps! 

To learn more, and to keep up with the Andrus' you can visit their family blog, where baby Agnes is referred to as "Little Dorrit" at http://edarthwaite.blogspot.com.


  • Anonym
    • $100
    • 10 yrs


Amber Farrow Taggard
Fayetteville, AR

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