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Aly Girl

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From Carolyn....I just wanted to take a quick minute to update everyone to our situation.. Tuesday night our Aly girl went into cardiac arrest at Sienna ER. They were able to restart her heart and transfer her to Sunrise PICU. She has a bad infection (myocarditis) that is attacking that muscle of her heart and preventing it from beating normally. She is on full heart and lung support via an external machine (ECMO). It has been explained to me that we are not going to fix her with this, that we are strictly buying her time. The miracle would be that her heart muscle could survive this attack and regain it's own function. 1/3 of kids do this. What we are prepping for is aggressive life saving measures. Loma Linda has accepted her there and we should be flying her there sometime tomorrow. There are no options for pediatric heart transplants here, and everyone feels like this is her only chance. She cannot stay on this machine forever, and if they start to take her off this machine and her heart doesn't beat on it's own, we have zero options. Many people are asking what they can do, and my response is first cherish every moment you have in life - whatever your situation is, hug your kids a little tighter tonight - but mainly just please pray for her. I appreciate every single text I've been getting, and I want to respond to them all, but I just can't. I'm trying to get information out there as best as I can, but I have significant waves of overwhelming emotions and we're just trying to take things minute by minute with her. We're 24 hours in.. so it's been a lot of minutes to minutes here, but the nurses and physicians at Sunrise have been nothing short of miracle workers. Angels in scrubs. Again, thank you for the texts and words or mouth and everything in between, it gives my heart peace in a very very devastating time. She may be down, but she's not out..

Lets support our Aly Girl....

The warrior....

The ALY gator....
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  • Pam Walker
    • $200
    • 10 yrs
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Erin Cuccaro Bradbury
Arden, NV

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