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Freakster's Roadhouse Radio

Doação protegida
Freakster's Roadhouse is an awesome little music venue in the heart of Illinois.  A true mom & pop operation run by Freak and Betz, they don't follow the "make as much as you can off the bands & fans" mentality but instead strive to be a place both musicians and patrons WANT to see a show!  They treat every band like multi-platinum rock stars and everyone through the door like family. We not only provide a radio home, but a literal home for when bands are on the road. 

     The objective is to host a few major bands a month but to also give the newer and local bands a place to really kick some ass!  To help them up to the next level of success on what is hopefull the road to the 'Big Leagues'.  They have watched bands like Otherwise, Prospect Hill, Wayland, & Another Lost Year grow from relative obscurity to solid touring acts that are ready for the next level. . . and they are far from finished.  With Betz's passion for music and Freak's 30+ years in Chicago's rock radio world, bands playing The Roadhouse were given radio exposure helping them become established but with the consolidation of radio and the tightening of it's budgets and rules, both Freak & Betz were 'downsized' out of the radio industry in April. We want a way to go against the "mainstream"; One that bands do not have to "pay to play". On the Radio or at the venue, we want bands to succeed and be heard. There is nothing both of us are this passionate about. It's time for a bit of a change in the business and that doesn't happen unless WE stop whining about it and get it done. 

     Enter ROADHOUSE RADIO! ! !  Betsy, with her extensive background in marketing & promotions, will be putting together a wide array of less than normal events that you won't want to just listen to but be a part of yourself!  Everything from Hillbilly Truck Shows to local and national charity events  and productions will be tied into both The Roadhouse and the station.  Freak has built two consecutive successful radio stations from the ground up.  A classic rocker, which won the National Association of Broadcasters 'Station of the Year' in 2007, and most recently the hard rocking Kat.  Now, they are ready to create a rocking little radio station that can't be taken away by corporate bean pushers . . . A station that will not only play your favorite songs but feature plenty of deeper cuts as well as the up & comers who will be playing live at The Roadhouse.  A station that will feature live shows from The Roadhouse stage as well as band interviews and behind the scenes jam sessions.  A nation-wide radio station that's just plain fun to listen to. We will be working on adding DJ's from across the country! 

     By sponsoring ROADHOUSE RADIO, you will not only help create something you will enjoy listening to across the country.... but help better a place that will change peoples lives for some time to come. Money raised will go to buying new equipment (so we don't get in trouble for boot-legging); hiring talent from across the country (send resumes to [e-mail editado]); and buying band's music (yes we WANT to buy it, you should too!) Thanks for reading . . . Let's be "Leaders of the Revolution" as our friends in ALY always say! We support anything music. Find us on facebook and say "Hi"!
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  • Todd Folkestad
    • $100
    • 10 yrs
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Betsy Kuypers
Pontiac, IL

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