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Karin's Lyme treatment fund

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Hi.…my name is Karin. I am a wife and mother who has been struggling for years with Lyme disease. The tick borne infection has changed my life forever. My battle has consisted of endless pain in my muscles and joints throughout my entire body. The headaches, fatigue and muscle weakness make it unbearable to go to work some days. I have missed endless activities and family events because of having to stay in bed due to the pain. My condition continues to worsen.

After endless failed treatments in the U.S. (traditional and non-traditional), I have decided to go to the St. Georg Klinik Cancer and Lyme Hospital in Bad Aibling, Germany. They have the most advanced treatments for helping me beat this disease once and for all! I am currently receiving special I.V. therapy twice weekly, taking multiple supplements and on a very strict diet, in preparation for Germany. Once I am in Germany, I will be hospitalized for 2 weeks and will be undergoing hyperthermia treatment, along with other advanced medication and treatments that have been proven beneficial for curing Lyme disease. Once I return, I will still have to continue to be on I.V. therapy and continued treatments for 6 months.

This journey has been mentally, emotionally, and financially overwhelming. My treatments have not been covered by insurance. I am reaching out to ask for your support in any way you can. I would truly appreciate your help and prayers. If you feel comfortable sharing my page on Facebook, I would appreciate it tremendously. Look for my upcoming blog on facebook if you want to follow my Germany treatments.

Thank you!
Karin Frost


  • Cindy gran
    • $100
    • 10 yrs
  • Henry and Christl Deinbeck
    • $1,000 (Offline)
    • 10 yrs
  • Judie LaRock
    • $100 (Offline)
    • 10 yrs


Karin Frost
Hartland, WI

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