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Chapin HS - TSA/Washington DC Conference

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Captain John L Chapin High School is sending 11 students to Washington DC to compete in the National Technology Student Association Conference, June 27-July 1.

Our students placed first in Architectural Renovation and Future Technology Teachers.  We placed second in Animatronics.  In addition to those top three placings, we were top ten in Texas in the following areas:  Chapter Team, On-Demand Video, Career Preparation, Photographic Technology, Biotechnology Design, and SciViz; all of which we will be competing in at this national conference. 

We have amazing kids who always represent Chapin with excellence and honor!  This is a once in a life time opportunity for our students.  Please help support them in this endeavor. 

Your contribution will help with the following:

*Competition Attire
*Transportation to and from Arlington National Cemetery to lay a wreath on the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier in memory of Captain John and the men of Company E.
*Shipping of Architectural Renovation and Animatronics Projects
*National Conference Trading Pins and T-shirt
*Nightime National Monument Tour and Mount Vernon tour.
*Metro Pass
Je contribue


  • Alex
    • $218
    • 10 yrs
  • Mr. Calderon
    • $61 (Don hors ligne)
    • 10 yrs
  • Lou Hernandez
    • $100 (Don hors ligne)
    • 10 yrs
Je contribue


Pamela King Cook
El Paso, TX

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