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Coming Together for Brad

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Brad Breyfogle is 37 years old. He is suffering from a severed vagus nerve due to a medical mishap. The vagus nerve runs from the brainstem to the abdomen and sends and receives messages to control the functioning of the digestive system, heart, lungs, vocal cords, and some glands. Once it was cut, it could not be repaired. As a result, Brad can communicate only in whispers and had his stomach removed 4 years ago. He is now severely malnourished. Receiving nutrients via central line and injection, he has not traditionally eaten since that time.

After more than 50 surgeries and a recent visit to Mayo Clinic, the doctors have not given much hope to Brad as his organs are starting to fail. The family has incurred medical bills that have forced them out of their home.

He is an outstanding father, husband, and son who continues to persevere for the sake of his family. He has a "CAN DO" spirit that has inspired others including the Winamac Football Team where he is an honorary team captain.

Join us and show your support for Brad and the Breyfogle Family. Let's come together for B-RAD!


  • Sara Loehmer
    • $50
    • 10 yrs


LeAnne Ludwig
Winamac, IN

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