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FIGHT LIKE A GIRL Trina Agnew Bratten

Donación protegida
As most of you know, our friend Trina is battling ovarian cancer and she could use our help. Trina has undergone major surgery and is still recovering. As soon as she is strong enough she’ll begin 18 weeks of chemotherapy.

For women one of the more emotional side effects is the loss of our hair. I need your help in raising funds to purchase a beautiful wig that will help Trina feel more like herself throughout this difficult journey. Unfortunately, these wigs are very expensive

Trina is a one of a kind person with a heart of gold  and would do anything for any of us.  Let’s join together to show our friend we  are here to support her through her fight to beat cancer! 

Please consider giving and feel free to share this post.

“Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much .”
Helen Keller


  • Sean Nolan
    • $50
    • 5 yrs

Organizador y beneficiario

Gabriela Barillas Hopkins
Jupiter, FL
Trina Bratten

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