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Help with Funeral Costs

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My mommom was recently disgnosed with cancer all throughout her body. Our family was shocked to find out this information so fast. After 92 years of her living a healthy and amazing life, this happened all too quickly, and our family is in need of great help. In sad preparation of her funeral, we were unaware that her life insurance policies were only for accidental death. Knowing this information was a shock, being as though we now have no money to come up with to burry her. We are in need of great help at this time. Anything that you can donate would mean the world to my family. 

She was such a wonderful woman, a fighter, and a hero. We will miss her too much, and will be at ease to know that everything will be able to be taken care of for her. 



  • Tenille Dewees
    • $150
    • 10 yrs


Moni Lynn
West Nottingham Township, PA

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