Foto principale della raccolta fondi

Power2Girls in Ghana

Donazione protetta
At Power2Girls, our mission is to empower girls to own their future through delivering provern solutions. Our flagship program is based on a proven sugar-daddy awareness curriculum developed by UNICEF, to address high teenage HIV and pregnancy rates. We work with local change agents, young adults in Ghana who are personally and professionally invested in the empowerment of girls to localize and deliver our curriculum. During our 3-month pilot, Power2Girls will teach over 500 youth in Ghana through after school workshops about the risks associated with sugar-daddies and empower them with the tools and confidence to take control of their lives. 

Why is this project important? In Ghana, women are twice as likely to engage in sex before the age of 15 compared to their male counterparts, and 12 percent of young women reported that their partner was at least 10 years older. While these older men promise to provide a wealthier lifestyle to their young partners, they also put them at risk to various life-altering consequences, such as HIV/AIDS and unplanned pregnancy. Gender, age and socioeconomic disparities reinforce power dynamics in the cross-generational relationships such that girls lack the ability to negotiate safe sex practices. Once presented with valuable gifts, young girls often feel compelled to engage in unprotected sex and many do not realize the risks associated with sugar-daddies or may not have the decision-making power to avoid these risks. 

Our pilot will reach some of the most impoverished neighborhoods in Accra. The money you donate will help us to expand and reach every youth in Ghana. 

We hope you are inspired to become a valuable contributer to our project! Thank you for your support!

Find out more about us on our website:

And like us on our Facebook page:

Also, see us featured as winners of the 2015 D-Prize Award:

And in the NY times!


    • $60
    • 8 yrs


Power2Girls *
Seattle, WA

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