Hauptbild der Spendenaktion

Westwood 2016 Project Graduation

Spende geschützt

It is the goal of Westwood High School Project Graduation  to provide a SAFE and fun graduation night send-off party for our 2016 WHS graduating class.
WHO? All 2016 Graduating Seniors are invited free of charge!
WHAT? Project Graduation is an all-night, lock-in party for all graduating Seniors that will include games, activities, a casino, lots of food, drawings for amazing prizes, and so much more!
WHEN?  June 3, 2016 (graduation night) from 10:00pm to 5:00am
WHERE? Westwood High School
WHY? This party is a place for our Seniors to all be together one last time and celebrate graduation in a safe environment, free from drugs and alcohol!

You can use this Go Fund Me page to make a  tax-deductible donation to Project Graduation.  Or, if you prefer to forego the tax-deduction, you can designate a specific graduate, and for every $50 donated in your grad's name, s/he will get an extra drawing entry on the night of the party!*

Thank you so much for your donation.  Please post this link to your Facebook page and forward to family, neighbors and friends who might want to contribute to the gift of a SAFE high school memory for your grad.

*If you are choosing to forego the tax-deduction, be sure to enter your grad's first and last name in the Comment section of your donation form.


  • Jim & Karn Canter
    • $100
    • 9 yrs

Organisator und Spendenbegünstigter

Katie Davis Lee
Austin, TX
Roxy Tucker

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    Deine Spende ist durch die Spendengarantie von GoFundMe geschützt