Photo principale de la cagnotte


Don protégé

Monday December 5, 2016 at 4am my family went through the worst and scariest thing I could ever imaged. Our house caught on fire cause of some one else careless mistake we had to suffer. I have never been the person to ask for help when I need it i would always find a way to deal with my own problems. But this problem is way to big for me to handled on my own or even my family to help. I'm not asking for much but if you can help please help so I can help my family and daughters have some where to stay and get things we need to start over. This has been very hard on us.. seeing my family hurting really hurts me especially when I can't do anything. But I am thankful we get see another day and that we made it safe..

Faire un don


  • Ewan Compton
    • $10
    • 8 yrs
Faire un don


Floribel Oneofakind Umanzor
Washington D.C., DC

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