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♿ I Was Assaulted.

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Hi. We're a disabled LGBT household made up of Teddy, Star, and Natalie. We moved to the area in September to escape a lifetime of medical abuse from Star's religious family. Everyone pitched in to help us, we borrowed a lot of money we've barely paid off, and things were good.
Until February.
Our next door neighbour responded to a friendly "can you not blast disney at 11pm on a work night" with five hours of screaming, smashing, and attempted break-ins. The landlord didn't evict her. She's harrassed us, insulted us, followed us out of the house, and attempted to enter more times since then. The landlord didn't evict her. The police told us it was a tenant dispute, and to avoid her.
But I can't avoid my own front door.
Three days ago she waited for me to take a recycling bin up, and met me at my door. She screamed at me, threatened me, and when I tried to go inside to cut her off she grabbed a fistful of my hair and yanked me backwards.
We called the police. The police came out. They told us she had mental health issues. They told us if they arrested her for assault someone would have to take her kids in. They told us they couldn't enforce anything if I pressed charges because we lived next door to eachother. They did not want the CCTV of her attacking me. They did not want our documented months of harrassment. They told us to leave her alone and avoid her, and hope it blew over.
I am a victim of CSA and physical abuse. Star is a victim of CSA and physical abuse so severe her skull is permanently dented and her father deported from the country for it. There is no "blowing over" this. If it had been Star instead of me who took that bin out, the force of her pulling would have been enough to permanently damage an EDS joint.
As I type this the woman who assaulted me is in her apartment, slamming on the conjoining walls and calling us slurs. The landlord has not moved to evict her. It is literally unsafe for us to stay here as her punching bags because the people with the power to intervene don't care to try.
We need to move. I'll deal with breaking our lease after being assaulted in court if I have to, but we need to move as soon as possible.
A basement appartment here is $1600, with half a month's rent as a deposit. That's $2400. We need to hire a moving company, to do it as quickly as possible and minimize her access to us while she feels she's "won". That's $300. Teddy can't work while we do this, since a lone target with a set routine is a giant risk, so that's up to $600 in lost wages for the week. Star needs to see her doctor as soon as possible and get put back on a medication to manage the flashbacks and panic attacks and insomnia this is causing. That's $400. And the rest, frankly, is so we can buy a fat fucking pizza in our new apartment and then sleep for three days.
  • $2400 - rent, deposit.
  • $300 - big burly men to vanish asap
  • $600 - keeping my husband near me. please.
  • $400 - getting star emergency medical care
  • $250 - emergency cushion for surprises
  • $50 - that fat fucking pizza. i was serious.
ID: The fistful of hair she ripped out of my head.
ID: Texts with our landlord where he a) describes the cctv of what happened as assault and b) tells me he thinks she is an active danger to those around her. This was on Thursday. He has not spoken to me at all about evicting her or any kind of safety plan. He has also not sent us the CCTV.


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  • Zoe Morris
    • $5
    • 2 yrs
  • Anonym
    • $15
    • 2 yrs
  • Anonym
    • $20
    • 2 yrs
  • Marquis Robinson
    • $5
    • 2 yrs
  • Holly Hanley
    • $20
    • 2 yrs


Natalie Hunter
Surrey, BC

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