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Bill's Final Goodbye

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As most of you know, my step dad has been battling stage 4 colon cancer for over 3 years now. His doctors have told him if there is anything he wants to do that he should do it now, don't wait. The one thing he really wants to do is meet his dad. He was always told his dad had died since he was little and he had tried searching for him to no avail. When my mom heard what the doctors were saying she decided to see if he might have siblings he didn't know about. Amazingly enough with the help of a friend and ancestry.com, she found his dad and he is still alive!!!Needless to say my step dad was so excited. His dad is 83 and lives in Spokane, Washington and he also has a half sister, Holly. His dream is to just give his dad and sister a hug. With both of them on disability and all of his medical bills there is no money left for them to take this trip.My step dad and mom are always there for everyone so I was hoping that we could help with this.Let's help my step dad get to hug his dad for the first time before it's too late.


  • John Salvado
    • $100
    • 6 yrs

Organisator und Spendenbegünstigter

Danielle Johnston
Hammonton, NJ
Tina Chapman

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