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Nataia Fund ✊

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Anything helps! Nataia was diagnosed with a rare form of cancer called Rhabdomyosarcoma a few weeks before her 20th birthday this February. There are two types of Rhabdomyosarcoma (RHS); Alveolar and Embryonic. Nataia was diagnosed with Alveolar. Alveolar Rhabdomyosarcoma (ARMS) typically affects all age groups equally. It makes up a larger portion of RMS in older children and teens than in younger children (because ERMS is less common at older ages).According to the American Cancer Society “Most rhabdomyosarcomas develop in children, but they can also occur in adults. Adults are more likely to have faster-growing types of RMS and to have them in parts of the body that are harder to treat. Because of this, RMS in adults is often harder to treat effectively.”Wednesday Feb. 21st 2018 Nataia turned 20years old. That same day, she received her surgery to place a port in her chest to receive chemo and had pieces of her bones taken out for testing. Once they started to take samples out, they realized that the RMS had metastasized (spread) to other parts of her body. As of right now Nataia’s family and she reside 1hr and 30 mins away from the hospital she’ll be receiving chemo therapy from. By you taking a moment to read this and donate whatever you are able to, helps Nataia/her mother/family pay for gas to get to and from the hospital, it pays for medical bills, and any other burdens the family carries as of right now. This ain’t easy, but it also isn’t impossible. We are speaking/praying Nataia’s healing into existence. A full and fast recovery. Whatever God you believe in, life up her name into prayer and keep her on your heart. ❤️


  • Jasmine Gibbs
    • $75
    • 6 yrs

Organisator und Spendenbegünstigter

Keyarah Banks
Port Huron, MI
Nataia Calloway

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