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Frais Hospitalier , Hospital Expense

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Pour ma femme Guylaine Lafortune, architecte associée Coarchitecture

Voici ma Belle et ma Fille ! Nous devons nous rendre à Pittsburgh UPMC , un des centres les plus avancés pour le type de chirurgie nécessaire à c ma femme.

Guylaine a un Chondrosarcome dans la tête (cancer) sinus et base du crâne, ont se bat depuis 2008, la tumeur était située derrière son nez. Il y a eu des chirurgies à Boston car ici au Québec, il fallait lui briser le visage; enlever un œil, le palais, la mâchoire... c’était la raison d’aller aux USA en 2008-09. Le tout n’a pas été facile (nous nous sommes battu contre la bureaucratie ).
Jai même du me rendre voir mon Député, notre histoire avais même passé au Nouvelle de TVA .

Finalement nous avons réussi à aller à Boston, un Centre Spécialisé dans ce type de tumeur. Deux grosses chirurgies, et elle est passée à travers ces épreuves et le PLUS ET UN DES POINTS LES PLUS IMPORTANTS A ÉTÉ DE GARDÉE SON VISAGE !!

Notre fille Jaëlle à ce moment là, avait 1 ans , Guylaine a vue sa fille Grandir , et Guylaine était de retour aux travail 3 mois seulement après ces chirurgies, elle a même réussi son Sceau à L’ORDRE DES ARCHITECTE .

Malheureusement 8 ans plus tard, 2016, la tumeur est de retour !!!! 2016 a été une année très difficile, elle a subie 2 importantes chirurgies. Je l’ai presque perdu à plus d’une reprise ... très dure à vivre ... Il y a maintenant un large trou dans son palais. Les Docteurs ( jusqu’à maintenant) lui ont sauvé le visage ... Nous sommes retourné à Boston pour 2 mois subir 40 traitements de radiation de Proton... puis autre problème causer par le trou du palais, nécrose et greffe, 10 hrs et plus de chirurgie pour régler ça ! Elle a gardé un tube de gavage pendant 3 mois !!! Guylaine avait décidé de garder le tube, elle ne voulait pas revivre le même calvaire une autre fois, et même si les docteurs lui disait que c’était pas obligé ( Guylaine voulait s’assurer que les blessures intérieures étaient vraiment guéries). Ça a été un arrêt de travailler pendant 18 mois.

En 2016 lorsque nous avons eu la nouvelle de récidive , nous avons contacté Boston , ils nous ont dit que la meilleure Équipe de chirurgien des USA , était à Pittsburgh, alors nous y sommes allés de notre propre gré pour Info et Deuxième Avis ... Ce Docteur ( Docteur Carl Snyderman) pouvait faire l’intervention et nous avait clairement expliqué sa complexité, mais nous ne pouvions le faire faire à nos frais .. les COÛTS !etc.. ( Les gens du Québec qui veulent se faire traiter aux USA, si un traitement n’est pas possible aux Québec, et qu’ils ont approbation de deux spécialistes, et l’accord de la RAMQ , auront les frais couvert en Partie ) dans notre cas, nous n’avions PAS ces deux spécialistes .... faut se battre aux Québec. Alors, le docteur de Pittsburgh nous a donné le contact d’un collègue à lui, ORL à Mtl (probablement un des Meilleurs aux Québec). Ce Docteur pouvait faire une chirurgie semblable à celle de Pittsburgh (CHUM, chirurgies mentionnées Ci Haut )

À l’heure actuelle, la tumeur, une récidive, est logée derrière la carotide et sur la base du crâne... malgré tout l’expertise et les meilleurs outils du Québec .. ( Nouveau CHUM ) Il préfère ne pas faire cette chirurgie, intervention trop délicate et risquée et, il nous réfère à ce Docteur de Pittsburgh., qui sera en mesure d’enlever la tumeur et les marges de sécurité requise ...(le Docteur qu’ont avait Vu deux années plus tôt) ..,alors Voici où on en est !!!

SVP ... AIDER NOUS À SAUVER NOTRE GUYLAINE!! Nous avons confiance que cette prochaine chirurgie en terminera avec la Tumeur ( Nous avons témoignage de gens qui ont subi ce même type de chirurgie par Cette Équipe de Pittsburgh et qui après des années sont encore vivant et sans tumeur ) ... Guylaine , Jaëlle et Moi.. ONT EN AS ASSEZ ... nous sommes au bout du rouleau financièrement et émotionnellement ...

MERCI à ceux qui nous ont aidé dans le passé... un dernier petit Coup.. et Notre Belle Guylaine reviendra en pleine forme !!! Pour tout ceux qui connaissent Guylaine Ou Moi .. savez que nous Avons toujours donné sans compter de notre temps et support ...

Nous en Sommes rendu Là...Cette plate-forme me demande combien $ demander ?? Il est difficile de chiffrer... alors j’ai mis ce chiffre , en Espérant Que L’approbation de la RAMQ SOIT POSITIVE... Ne croyez surtout Pas que cette démarche d’aller Chercher des Fonds par cette Plate forme en est Facile ... bien au contraire .... J’AI BESOIN DE MA BELLE ... JAËLLE AS BESOIN DE SA MAMAN .... JE LUI AI PROMIS QUAND JE L’AI MARIÉ QUE J’ALLAIS ME BATTRE JUSQUE AU BOUT ... ET JE VAIS TENIR PAROLE....PAS QUESTION DE BAISSER LES BRAS !!

Ensemble NOUS Pouvons .. vous pouvez m’aider et on vous en sera éternellement redevable ! ... peu importe le montant, ça fera la différence ... LET’S GO TEAM



Here a picture of My Beautiful and My Daughter ! We are trying to get to Pittsburgh ( UPMC ) . My wife has a Cancer ( ChondroSarcoma ) it’s located behind her Nose and At the Crâne Base . The Story starts in 2008 , the doctors here In Quebec , told Us that in order to get the Tumour Out they needed to take her Eye, cheekbone, nose pallat out !! Very strong approach and disfiguring her ... Imagine the shock and all , not even knowing if it would save her life....she had given up , but I search and search to find out that in the USA ( Boston) had a research center who treats this Type of Cancer ! Happy !! but The fight just started , we had to fight our way through the bureaucracy to have the surgery done in Boston ( here in the Province of Quebec, if there’s is a treatment that is offered somewhere else , and that you have two Specialist that accept, then they submit papers to RAMQ ( Medical Gouvernement institutions) and of they approuve.. then off We go ! Was a Long Battle.. but we Won , the Gouvernement covers not all the expenses but covers , surgery( ONE FOLLOW UP) !! So we had the surgery Done ( two ) in Boston , they save her face and took out the Tumour .... but like you Must know Guylaine fought hard for the next 8 years , back and forth to Boston you can add up the expense which the Gouvernement did not .. cuz only ( ONE FOLLOW UP ) the Doctor we had was VERY KIND and told Us after the first follow up ( when I said we can’t come back cuz $$$$ ) he said ... IF YOU CAN COME TO APPOINTMENTS ... I’LL TAKE CARE OF THE HOSPITAL FEES ..... WOW !!! And we’ve Been told all our life that the USA Hospital Just want our MONEY !! So for the next 8 Years we went back and fourth , even when it came to the 5 years Mark when the Doctor said we are Cancer Free ...Through those 8 Years we were also been check periodically here in Quebec .

In 2016 after a regular yearly check up , we were told in Quebec that the Cancer is back ...our World fell Apart Again ... so I contacted Boston , and got appointment , Meanwhile the Quebec team were also getting things in motion to have us go through surgery ( not the same team has 2008 )... In Boston the doctors had us go through many test and stuff , then One of the Renom Doctor of this Great Hospital ( MEEI )mention to Us to go to Pittsburgh to see a Doctor Call Carl Snyderman, he and his team were the best Team and knowledge of the USA ( HEAD AND NECK ) to properly take care of this Cancer . So Guylaine and I , on Our own left for Pittsburgh ( not easy to get appointment with the best team ) 500 Us Dollars for One hour , twice, cuz we had two doctors to see ... but it’s cheap to maybe save her life , there was no other option , we needed badly some advice !! So listening to them and seeing and hearing the possibilities we where so Happy , not knowing if we could get the two doctors to sign for us like in 2008 ....,we mention to the American Doctors that we did not have the money ourselves to get it done , but we would try , explained the reason .. and he said he had a good friend of his who has similar knowledge that he had in Quebec , so he gave us his name ! Meanwhile in Quebec City the doctors gave us appointments , to explain to us the surgery they wanted to do , it was again , a very different approach , very invasive, couldn’t assure us that the surgery they were planning to do !!! we fought back ! Ask that Doctor , if she knows anyone else who could do this without damaging to much .. she said NOT REALLY , SHE WAS THE BEST OF THE EASTERN QUEBEC !!! Didn’t even mention this great Doctor in Montreal.. Pity on Her .. Anyway We got an appointment at this Doctor Montreal 3 hrs Drive from Quebec City ) mention by the American Doctor , we met him,he had an American approached, was Human compared with what we had on Quebec City , told us what he think and the procedure , which was almost same has in Pittsburgh, but he said I don’t have the same technological instruments . So We had SURGEY Done in Montreal, and her face is intact , YESS . Best option would have been Pittsburgh BUT !! ... After all the rehab , 3 months pass, before next MRI ... result !!!! The Tumour still there and got stronger ( did he took it all the Tumour in first surgery?? Guylaine had lost 1/3 of blood in the surgery through the openings, he had told me that he had hard time , wasn’t easy took ALL he had ! And that she had been through a BEATING! That was the surgery she just had ) we went though a second surgery , this time he took out part of her pallat ... I will spare you all the Pain and difficulties we went through... Hell again .. another 3 months pass .. now there’s a hole so we needed a obturator done , do the placement of her hole, way in the back , big has a 10 cents ..,gave her injuries , and leaked in the cavity over the pallat exposé to the wound where the Tumour was ,liquids was coming out of her nose and sometimes other stuff due to eating or drinking we another MRI ... and again it’s Back ... what the HELL ARE WE GOING TO DO ??!!!.. they wanted us to do Regular Radiation, but we knew regular radiation doesn’t Work on a ChondroSarcoma Tumour .. but we knew that PROTON Radiation does .. we don’t have that in Canada.. not that kind .. so we ask to go to Boston, cuz they have .. so we Battles again , same protocol for RAMQ... TOOK lots of persuasion .. and we Hot approval so 40 Treatments and 2 months in Boston , we brought our daughter this time , she went to school there . We thought all was good ....We had had great stories and comments from living people that had Proton treatments ...,this time the
Climb for Guylaine seemed Harder .. then a few month after at a regular visits in Montreal for regular check up .. they notice white residue inside her cavity.. it’s Called Necrosis ...which it’s really bad ... they Inform us that she needed to go back in Surgery
To get all that out QUICKLY, they have to clean very well and scrape the inside cuz it’s kill good tissue ... our Luck again !!! And this time while their in there ,WE ask if they could plug up the hole in her pallat .. cuz it may be the reason why this necrosis is growing..necrosis is do to bacterial infection in wounds ( we just had the Tumour remove from there ) with time 3 months it’s slowly grew .. so now there talking about a surgery to cover her carotide , because it will be uncover and the carotide has to be cover with tissue All times ( very delicate surgery ) due to the necrosis.. they need skin from her arm and vein , cut in her neck to plug the vein and go through her inside.. so back to surgery again in Montreal, 10 hrs plus again in surgery ... all went well there were all happy about the results , recuperate, heal and maybe Life will give Us some Well Deserve Rest .. the skin that covered the carotide is perfect ( the most important) but the greffe to cover the pallat did not hold , even though Guylaine decide to be fed with a feeding tube through her nose so that the necrosis don’t form again.. 3 long months , through summer !!! Tuff Cookie She his !!!After we went back to obturator.. and a new doctor for that , this time in Montreal , we had try the one in Quebec City .. but it did not work out even though we went many times to fix the old one .... now the one , made in Montreal work magic ( finally she can eat , drink without spillage in her nose , not having to have tissues at the table) .

So now here the new event that has brought our Family to ask for Donation...and Be certain that this step we are doing WAS the last thing we wanted to Do ... Very Very Hard .. We Are Proud , we are the type that are always HELPING and GIVES .. But that’s where we are at !

Guylaine just started back to work , she does walk ,3 to 5 km a night with our new Great Dane ( was a gift cuz she wanted a dog again at least before she goes ... if that’s her road , she animal lover ) she love her work...and she is good at it , works crazy hrs .. but what I’m I going to say ...she is living ...

So back for another MRI.. just before Christmas ....she had the news BUT didn’t tell me for 2 weeks ... but then I figured it out ..So it’s Back ... SHE SAID TO ME , DO WE REALLY HAVE TO GO THROUGH THIS AGAIN !!I AM TIRED , I FEEL FINE ...WORKS IS GOING GREAT .... this times its located way back further , behind the carotide and on the skull base , the Doctor here said that it’s to delicate for him ... they don’t have the tools and knowledge to make this next surgery safely ....( and their the best in Montreal, New CHUM Hospital) so he said that he will try to get us to go to Pittsburgh ( REMEMBER !!!) yes That Pittsburgh!! To see the Doctor Snyderman , IT Takes HONOUR to say to truth and to send us to see the BEST !! Thank You !!!

Through this Story I didn’t say all the inns and out of every surgery , the pain and suffering we all went through SPECIALY Our Daughter Jaëlle... BUT I can tell you that there was ALSO LOTS OF JOY AND GREAT GIFT BY MANY OF YOU WHO ARE STILL GIVING ... Just to name a few , My Mom and Dad , Guylaine Sister Julie , Giselle in Boston, Guylaine Co -Workers, Laure and Emmanuelle ,Guylaine’s Firm CO- ARCHITECTURE... and all of those who have made this so far a Miracle !!

So that’s where we are at ... We have gone through lots .. our Piggy Bank and More have been dried up , We want to Continue to fight , but all is hard .. We have, like all of You Bills to pay .. but we ask IF YOU CAN ANOTHER PUSH FOR MY BEAUTIFUL WIFE AND MOTHER TO STAY HEALTHY...,We have read and Spoken to many Cancer Free Family’s With the Same Cancer that’s have Been through this Coming Surgery and we Are Very Optimism that this TIME IT WILL BE THE LAST !!!


Guylaine , Jaëlle and David !!!

Bless you All ...,


  • Alain Courtois
    • $1,000
    • 6 yrs


David Arguin
L'Ancienne-Lorette, QC

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