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Help Eli Beat Extreme Food Neophobia

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Eli has an eating disorder known as Extreme Food Neophobia. Basically, he is afraid of food. He believes without any doubt that new foods will kill him.

Eli has struggled with eating from the time he was born and once he started on mashed foods he began choking. This choking lead to his fear and the belief that food would kill him. Over the years he has become afraid of more and more food. Currently, his diet consists of pizza, french fries, chicken strips and chocolate chip cookies. Eli attended traditional feeding therapy at Easter Seals for 6 years and unfortunately nothing helped.

Today we are at a point where his health is beginning to be affected. He has Asthma, he gets sick very easily, and his teeth are coming in without any enamel which makes getting cavities very easy. His brain development has also suffered as he has dyslexia and his peripheral vision is off balance (requiring special glasses soon).

We are currently starting a few new therapies that are very hopeful. Eli is seeing a psychotherapist, a psychiatrist, an Anat Baniel method therapist for Neuro-Muscular Re-education and an eye specialist that works specifically on the mind-eye connection. These therapist are located about 3 hours from our home and are out of network with our insurance company. The therapy also requires us to be there every other week for 5-6 days at a time.

This is placing a huge financial burden on our family. We ask that you prayerfully consider helping Eli beat this disorder so that he can grow into a normal healthy boy. Whether it be through prayers or financial contributions, please know we are very grateful for both.


  • Anónimo
    • $50
    • 10 yrs
  • Lilla Rose Fundraiser
    • $323 (Fuera de Internet)
    • 10 yrs
  • Amy Curl
    • $150 (Fuera de Internet)
    • 10 yrs
  • Anónimo
    • $100 (Fuera de Internet)
    • 10 yrs
  • Anónimo
    • $30 (Fuera de Internet)
    • 11 yrs


Tonya Kimbrel
Bloomington, IL

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