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Pratt Fire Relief

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Hello everyone!

My grandparents, Richard (Dick) and Phyllis Pratt recently lost their home of 46 years to a devastating fire. Not only did the fire completely destroy nearly half a century  of personal belongings such as mementos and pictures, but it also claimed the lives of their beloved dog and cat. The house is considered a total loss and my grandparents are left with just the clothes on their backs. At 75 and 80 years old, it has been a hard week for them to handle so much loss. Anyone who knows them likely has many memories at that house, for my grandparents were often hosting holiday cookouts and events throughout the years.  Others know them through the local VFWs, where they were often socializing (my grandfather is a Korean War/ Air Force veteran).

Fortunately, my dad and brother run a small, two-man construction company that my grandfather helped to start. They are already working on cleanup. Unfortunately, nothing was insured. We are looking to purchase a used, single-wide mobile home and install it on the cleaned lot in the next few months, so that they may return to their home and regain their independence as soon as possible. Any funding (no matter how small) would greatly help relieve my family of some of the financial stress this situation has created. Funds will be used for purchasing a used mobile home,  replacing personal belongings, appliances, etc. Let’s use this opportunity to thank my grandfather for his service to this country!

Currently both of my grandparents are staying with my father, Richard Pratt Jr, and his girlfriend. All construction labor will be done by my family for free, so we do not need to worry about that.  Thank you, I know my grandparents will appreciate any help that is offered. Please keep them in your prayers and thoughts!

Pictures and video of the fire:


  • Connie Mankin
    • $250
    • 7 yrs
  • Mary Anne Roseman
    • $500 (Offline)
    • 7 yrs

Organisator und Spendenbegünstigter

Bradley Pratt
Winchester, NH
Richard Pratt

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