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Renal Warrior Project

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Help Wilson who is battling Kidney Failure get from Sacramento to San Diego on his bike this Spring/Summer and spread awareness for Kidney Disease and Transplantation!

In June 2016, Wilson Du was diagnosed with Kidney Failure. He needed a transplant but did not qualify for a transplant due to his weight, 315 lbs. He started dialysis in October 2016.Through literally blood, sweat, tears, and the will to live, he has lost 125lbs and is now qualifies to receive a transplant. What an incredible journey it has been! But he’s just getting started!!

He is now looking to help others with fitness (especially those with medical conditions), spread awareness for kidney disease and transplantation, and hope to find a living kidney donor.

In January 2018, Wilson rode 83 miles and climbed over 2,700 feet on his bike from Ontario, CA to Palm Springs, CA proving that even someone with a great illness can overcome and reach new heights. This is only a preview to what’s to come.

In Spring/Summer, Wilson is planning to ride his bike from Sacramento to San Diego 600+ miles. This will be to bring awareness to Kidney Failure and transplantation, raise funds for the cause, and hopefully find a living donor. This ride will take approximately 2 weeks. He will also be doing Dialysis along the way between riding days.

He cannot do this without your help. We are raising funds to help with getting Renal Warrior Foundation off the ground to raise awareness for Kidney Failure and transplantation, and also help fund and organize the big ride from Sacramento to San Diego. Funds will go towards equipment, hotels, staff, food, medic team, repairs, consultants, etc.

Thank you for your generosity! Together, we will be changing the world and kicking Kidney Failure in the butt!!


  • Enrique Maiden
    • $100
    • 6 yrs

Organisator und Spendenbegünstigter

Denise MaNguyen
Alameda, CA
Denise MaNguyen

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    Deine Spende ist durch die Spendengarantie von GoFundMe geschützt