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Help for Widows and Orphans

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Howw began its journey in 2005 in Texas and through fundraisers and donations, brought hope, protection and assistance to many homeless children at various Children’s Shelter’s in Texas. We continue to support the underprivileged communities by building and renovations to their homes and assisting the organizations that support them.

With our expansion in 2010 into other countries that have been devastated by years of civil unrest, disease and poverty, we are dedicated to advocating for the protection of children’s rights all over the world. We are committed to making a long term impact for these children and creating a model for other’s to follow in order to educate and support homeless children everywhere. We firmly believe that all children have the basic rights as established in 1989 at the Convention on the Rights of the Child.

In 2010, my wife and I traveled to Tanzania and experienced a level of poverty and desperation I had never known. We returned home broken and at a loss as to what to do to help. We shared what we had  and continue to return there to assist the community and the children. We believe in the Interdependence of all human beings; That we are all tied together by a network of commonality.

We are becoming more and more of a global community affected by the lives and actions of one another. Help us support the ultimate goal where our world is free of hunger, poverty and injustice.
We all deserve the right to grow, learn and love.

Helping Orphans and Widows Worldwide, also known HOWW is a 501c corporation formed in Texas.It was established by men and women of faith, with a history of serving orphans and widows, were given an opportunity to unite together for serving. We are not affiliated with any church denomination as we believe in humanity first and the stronger belief that no other human should suffer mostly as a result of actions that were not their own. No child chooses to be an orphan.

We are currently working to complete a 2 fully functioning Orphanage home in Kenya that can house 30 children each . However, once rescued, we go further in order to complete our mission of educating each and every one of the orphans.

With your help we are helping to get children off the streets and break a horrible cycle that exist in these areas thus allowing us get them the education and help they need.

For more information , check out our website : www.howworldwide.org


  • Cosmo Bidrizzi
    • $2,000
    • 6 yrs
  • Anonym
    • $3,000 (Offline)
    • 6 yrs
  • Eric Menchaca
    • $10 (Offline)
    • 6 yrs
  • John Ruffolo
    • $80 (Offline)
    • 6 yrs
  • Larry Donelson
    • $25 (Offline)
    • 6 yrs


Phillip Nelson
Cleburne, TX

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