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Moms Funeral Who Died

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Every now and then, I burst out crying thinking of this roller coaster ride I can never seem to stop. I’ve done so much to save her. I’ve wanted nothing in my life more than to have her by my side, and I am heartbroken and confused wondering where I went wrong. There must have been something I missed, something I didn’t do. I’ve done my very best to keep her alive and well but I failed. She has died and I feel nothing but helplessness and fear. I feel so alone and broken. I wish I could have stopped her suffering in her last days. Everything I have done for her was to prevent her pain from reaching this point, yet she did experience it. I wanted to bring her to the US and giver her the life that she deserves, and make up for everything she has ever sacrificed. My life has been dedicated to taking care of my mom and I feel as though I have failed her. My brothers, 9 and 13, lost their mother and now they won't get a chance to be raised by her just like I did'nt get a chance . Last September when I went to Haiti, I was told my mother was diagnosed with full blown aids and tuberculosis and a whole lot of other opportunistic infections. I raised that money last year because I was so desperate to save her and at 21 just fresh out of college, I just did not have the money to help her. Many people helped and together we got her on her feet. For reasons, I may never know, this September again, the same week as last year, I had to send my mother to the hospital again. She went into shock twice, experienced kidney failure with no dialysis on site at the hospital she was in, in haiti. She had drop down to 75 pounds, lost more than 20% of her body fluid. In the end, my mother died on September 23rd and at 8:40a, I recieved the call confirming that. She left behind 3 children, me (22), my 2 little brothers (9 and 13) and her mother who is devastated. So as I write this I can truthfully say, I have $30 left to my name because I gave my all mentally, physically, emotionally and i tried hard to not have to be back to this point again begging for help. However, I am the oldest child and the one expected to have this funeral that I do not even have money to go witness, so please if you can, one last time donate whatever you can to help me give my mom a funeral and whatever is left I will use to care for my two little brothers. Whether you can donate or Not, SHARE THIS FOR ME ! THANK YOU!



  • Danielle Roberts
    • $20
    • 7 yrs


Beverlie Fuller
Kingston, NY

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