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Overcome Harvey damage

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From the bottom of my heart I want to say thank you to everyone for caring and so generously supporting my family.  I learn many lessons from this event and feel greatly blessed  to have a job working for a company with such wonderful people.
Many special thanks to my colleages Sri Suresh, Catherine Mifsud, Salman Khan, Blake Bryce  , Sanvita Sample and Slalom leaderships Sharon Lynch, Kim Rath, Meredith Wehmeyer, Joe Shurman, Jennifer Rayburn, Dave Gabrielson, Sanjeev Tittai for all the texts, calls and incredible supports.

Hello, my name is Logan Le. My family recently moved from Minnesota to Texas and I started working as an analyst for Slalom three months ago. 

On Tuesday 08/29, we were glad to see the heavy rain had come to stop and Harvey already begun to moved away. Then, we heard that the reservoirs were full and water needed to be released to prevent it to break.

Hearing that news living close to the resevoirs and did not know where to go was a horrible feeling that I do not wish for anyone to experience.

In panic, we tried to stack furnitures on top of each other and set up barrier at the doors with the hope that it would slow down water from entering the home.

Soon after the water release, the coast guard came with rescued boats to get us our of the flooded neighborhood. We were given a few minutes to grab our identifications and some clothes and we were out on the water. 

Since then we have been trying everyday to back to check on my house and my parents' house. I and my parents lived within a mile from each other in the same neighborhood. However, until today 09/05 we still cannot get back to our homes because the water hasn't receded. I tried to walked through the water but had to turn around about two blocks away as it became too deep.

Water will remain for at least a few more days and started to smell badly with all kind of things in it. There is no power and looters have been caught in my area.

I have been dealing with insurance companies to get our settlements which hasn't been easy because they are overwhemled with all the claims after the hurricane.

My home does have flood insurance so I only will need to pay for the deductible. However, although my dad purchased flood insurance right after he signed closing agreement on the house, 10 days before the storm (without knowing it was coming) his insurance is not effective until late September. Because of that, insurance company refusued to cover for the damage. This is devastasting for my dad since he only works hourly in a bread factory and just recently bought his house last month. 

I am also working with auto insurance agents and they will come as soon as they can reach our vehicles that are still on flooded streets.

Since the evacuation, I realized how lucky I am to be working for our company.

There have been many calls and messages coming from Slalomites offering support and a place to stay. My family has been rented a vehicle by Slalom leaderships to use for two weeks. We are truly appreciated for it because it is almost impossible to find a rental vehicle in Houston right now.

In the next few days, we will finally be able to get back to our homes. I am hoping that this fund could help us cover the cost of fixing/replacing our funitures, electronics, vehicles, and payment for insurance deductible. 

My only goal after Harvery is to overcome the damages and get my family lives back to normal.

Logan and family
Je contribue


  • Jennifer Ramirez
    • $315
    • 7 yrs
Je contribue


Logan Le
Houston, TX

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