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Our Dream Under Water, Harvey Recov

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We are a family of four, my wife Nelly, my daughter Dafne and our little dog Miss Molly. With the arrival of hurricane Harvey our live halt. We lost all possessions in the house and the family car, Since August 28th we have water in the house, we know but our neighbor friends that water level is still high 6 ft al least. We are concern about if the house will be salvageable or will need torn it down completely. It is sad to see this ending, we were immensely happy here, we had the best neighbors you can ask for and lived here great moments of our lives. We need some help to start again, anything you can donate will be very helpful for us.


  • Susie Salumunek
    • $100
    • 7 yrs


Gustavo Campos
Houston, TX

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