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One Last Trip To The Ocean

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It would mean so much to me if I could see this beautiful lady have one last trip that she wants so badly. I reached out this morning to let her know that I loved her and that I was praying for her. She then responded...... Thank you Mandy. I have prayed more in these last few months than I have in years. I have asked Christ into my heart. So I'm ready when the time comes. I just want one more trip to the ocean with my husband, some special times with my family, but have to get relief from this awful pain. Please pray for pain relief. This lady has been there for me through so much of my life good and bad and yet she never judged me, only encouraged me to be better. She's been MOM to so many of us in this world we call music. The memories we all have are endless. Urban Country band was the first band that I had the privilege of being a part of. I learned and grew so much and there are truly no words to describe it. I wish more than anything I could myself send Paula and Mark on one last trip but unfortunately I can't do that without the help of you all. Paula has always given everything she has for everyone else. The amount of charity gigs she involved us all in yearly, were without question and hesitation. It was a part of who we were as a band family. So, if anyone is more deserving of this last request she has for her life, its Paula. So, I ask for everyone to come together and help make this happen. Skip your Starbucks for the week and let's send this amazing lady to the Ocean, one more time.......❤



  • Michael Heffron
    • $250
    • 7 yrs

Organisator und Spendenbegünstigter

Mandy Mazon
Gilbert, AZ
Paula Tilson

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