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Hi, my name is Lauren and our family has been hit with major medical and financial hardship. My mom, known to family as Nanna, and to friends as Debbie Frye Holmquist has always been the glue that has held our family together. Myself and my 4 children, Debbie's grandchildren have been living with her for the past 5 years. She has been unable to work this past year after being diagnosed with an Autonomic Nervous System Dysfunction, Parkinsonism and most recently Lyme's Disease. She is now on permanent disability and without her financial contributions and her physical limitations, we as a family may find ourselves without the home my mom Debbie, so lovingly and sacrificing everything, purchased for us 2 years ago in Murrieta, California. This home was to provide safety, security and a love centered home we all needed. After the years myself and children have spent in shelters, motels, moving from family member to family member, my mom gave everything she had to get us this home and keep us all living together. We are asking for any amount of donations to help with her Doctor bills, to payoff current debt and allow us to get by financially for the next 5 months, until my mom, Debbie can qualify for a reverse mortgage on our home and allowing me to be her full time caregiver and her grandkids will have their Nanna with them at home to give all the love and nurturance she provides. Thank you to everyone who reads this and to let you know no amount is too small. Every dollar will be greatly appreciated. God Bless to you all.


  • Nancy Young
    • $200
    • 7 yrs


Lauren Ortego
Murrieta, CA

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