Hauptbild der Spendenaktion

The Metzger Family Fund

Spende geschützt
My sister-in-law Lisa and her husband Jay drove in from Pennsylvania with my nephews for 4 days of good company and food. Day 4 of dirt bike riding with the boys at our family land changed everything. My husband Brian took Jay in our family's ATV and A mere 20 seconds after switching out the passenger seat of our 8 yr old son with Jay, the ATV caught the dirt in a routine turn between the trees and flipped. Thanks to the heroic efforts of my nephews and son, an injured Brian and 3 young boys were able to lift the ATV off of Jay and call 911. Jay and Brian both sustained serious back injuries, and Jay also cracked 7 ribs and shattered his shoulder. While both men are grateful to be alive and not paralyzed, Jay's recovery is going to require surgery and months of physical therapy which is only complicated by being 1200 miles from home. There really are no words to say to someone that essentially took a bullet for my child. Not only is Jay an amazingly kind and humble man, he supports my sister Lisa and is helping raise my nephews. I am asking our friends and family for help in setting up an emergency travel/life essentials fund to help them navigate the coming weeks as Lisa prepares my nephews to go back to school in Pennsylvania and also support Jay in his physical recovery here in Missouri. Thank you in advance. Megan Wilson


  • Anonym
    • $300
    • 7 yrs

Organisator und Spendenbegünstigter

Megan Wilson
Roosterville, MO
Lisa Metzger

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