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Medical expense help for Paige

Donación protegida
Family & Friends,

About a month ago, Sean and Paige found out that she has Stage 1 Thyroid Cancer, and their world's were turned upside down. While it is a blessing that they caught this at Stage 1, it is a more aggressive type of cancer than what the doctors expected and what they had prayed for.  They are thankful to have each other through this process but this is obviously not an ideal trial in their first year of marriage.  I have made this account to help them navigate through some of the financial burden this will cause so they can focus on Paige getting healthy.  Any amount will help and be a blessing in this time.  If you are unable to support financially - they are especially thankful for the continued prayers and encouragement they have been receiving.  Thank you all.

(*Any amount received over the goal will continue to go towards medical bills)

A note from Paige and Sean:

"We feel like we are blindly walking into the biggest storm of our lives and just trying to trust that God will provide and will see us through this journey. I know that he is holding us in the palm of his hands every step of the way. We are blessed to have the faith and marriage that we do, and the family and friends that surround us while we go through this emotional battle."

The first bill for our biopsies and first surgery came in at $15,725.91 after insurance. This will be the first of 2 surgeries for sure, possibly 3. After the surgeries are complete, we will have to go through radiation treatment and testing to make sure everything is out of my body. Once God heals me, and we know that he will, our doctor will be following us very closely for a very long time to make sure that I stay healthy. This will look like monthly ultrasounds, monthly bloodwork, and adjusting medications along the way.

Throughout this journey so far, only a few things have be consistently true. The love and support of my husband, family, and friends, and that God continues to show up- every day, in random places. We know and trust that he will provide. We continue to ask for prayers throughout this storm and are beyond appreciative for any support that is provided in any form. We love you all."


"Be still, and know that I am God."


  • Anónimo
    • $20
    • 8 yrs

Organizador y beneficiario

Paige Maguire
West Chester, OH
Paige Sims

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