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Help For The Magaña Twins

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May 30, 2017 started out as a day of excitement and joy as Saul and Eloisa welcomed their twin boys, Isaiah and Micah into the world. The next few days would unfortunately, turn into some of the hardest days of their life.
Micah had some difficulty breathing early on and after about 24 hours started having some discoloration to his extremities. After receiving a transfusion, hospital staff soon realized he wasn't improving and needed to be transferred to Stanford for further treatment. Since his arrival, they have diagnosed him with a life threatening blood clot near his heart and have began treating him with medications that come with their own list of potential complications. Micah has a long road ahead of him which will also include surgery.
Isaiah unfortunately was not able to be transferred with his brother and he is still here in the NICU at a local hospital. Eloisa and Saul will be needing to travel back and forth between both hospitals to ensure that they get to spend time with both of their babies. As you can see this makes a tough situation even more difficult.
Your donation will help with travel expenses, lodging, and countless other expenses they will incur in the next few months. Let's help decrease the financial burden during this difficult time. The family asks for your prayers and love during this extremely hard time. Thank you.
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  • Kerri Hunter
    • $100
    • 7 yrs
Je contribue

Organisateur et bénéficiaire

Seanna Magana
Modesto, CA
Saul Magana

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