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"James Fight Against Stage IV Lung Cancer"

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      I am so excited to post this positive note as it relates to the progress that I and my Oncology Team at the Cancer Treatment Center Of America has made since February 2019. There is significant improvement in my overall health but I want to highlight the improvement regarding Metastatic Lung Cancer that spread to my adrenal gland and eventually made its way to my brain.

     Certainly, I still have a long way to go due to my doctor not having said I am in remission. I started my treatment at 94 lbs. In February and as of yesterday, December 4th I weight 135 lbs. I have a healthy appetite and I sleep well. I experience minimal side effects as a result of chemotherapy and I have yet to have any radiation therapy.

     While I am still going through chemo and other test, much of my cost for treatment is covered by Medicare however, there is still that twenty percent that I have to pay out of pocket. I am still unable to work. However, I expect that it will be some time before my health will allow me to return to work.

     I am asking you, past donors and supporters to once again consider donating to my campaign. I’m trying to raise $9,000.00 or more to supplement what we’re able to pay ourselves. Whatever you can and will do will be greatly appreciated. Please share my campaign page with your friends on social media as well as family and church members. I thank you in advance for sharing my post with everyone you know. 

     Again, I emphasize the positive progress that I’ve made in the pass ten months. I give God all the glory. I thank my team at CTCA and most certainly thank each and every person that has contributed to my Campaign so far now.
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  • Ella Mtenje
    • $25
    • 5 yrs
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James Wilson
Georgia, GA

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