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Bills and life after Cancer

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I was told the other picture might upset some people so this is the picture from the very beginning of the cancer. They had just done the biopsy. If you are curious about the after surgery pictures I can always show them. Thank you!
My husband went to the doctor to get his blood pressure checked and as they ran some tests they realized the mole on his face was canerous.  He was tested and the diagnosis came back as Malignant Melanoma.  As you can imagine this was a huge shock.  Luckily our doctor was on the ball and got him in to see a specialist very fast.  Within 2 weeks he was under the knife for the initial surgery.  He was lucky that it was caught in time that it did not spread.  Another surgery was scheduled to do a skin graph.  At that time the doctor decided to be aggressive and took more from his face than expected.  So of course the skin graph from his leg was huge.  He was out of work for a while.  And he only had so much vacation time he could use.  So of course things get tight and we do the best we can.  We are so very lucky that things turned out the way they did.  He will now have to be checked out every 6 months for the rest of his life to make sure it does not come back.  He is the love of my life and I cannot imagine him not being around.  I did this page so that any help would make things easier for him and so he wouldn't have to worry about taking care of things.  I want to thank everyone for just reading this and if you donate that's a bonus.  You will have made a difference.  Thank you!


  • Jean Prior
    • $100
    • 10 yrs


Jennifer Crowley-Baugh
Indianapolis, IN

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