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Help Fabio And His Kids

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Help Unemployed father as his wife lost her battle with stomach cancer. At the beginning of this year Fabio came back to the USA to live in northern California with his wife Luzia and their two young boys , Fabio Junior and Enzo. Shortly after settling down in Concord , California the unimaginable happened as Luzia started feeling very ill and after lots of exams she was diagnosed with a very aggressive stage four stomach cancer .She passed away Wednesday , December 28th. Fabio was her sole care taker, translator and loving husband . Unable to work he ended up losing his job. Now he has to take care of his two young kids , since all their loving family is back in Brazil and he has a far smaller support structure to help him around here . With two young boys to take care of and expenses constantly rising I come to ask all of you for your help as this loving dad and faithful husband struggles with this tragic situation!


  • Felipe Silveira
    • $20
    • 8 yrs

Organisator und Spendenbegünstigter

Ana Maria Froebe
Westminster, CA
Fabio Oliveira

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