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Elijahs Service Dog

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We have been trying to find a service dog for Elijah. We have found a dog, however we still have to pay for a fence to be put up and for the training the dog needs to be certified. We do not like asking for help but we would appreciate any help anyone could give. For those who do not know about Elijah, he is a non-verbal autistic. He has issues with outburst and handling situations that involve large groups. This dog will be able to accompany Elijah anywhere he goes and will be trained to help calm Elijah where he usually has high anxiety. Elijah also has seizures that for the most part are under control but he tends to have them in his sleep when we don't see them. He also has trouble sleeping alone, we are not sure if it is just fear or something deeper but having a sleeping buddy would help tremendously. The dog is essentially used as a buffer to help him cope with his environment. Thank you for your support.


Preslie Davis
Gastonia, NC

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