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Elayna's Cancer Kicking

Donación protegida
My name is Elayna Durso and I am a 34 year old Mom, wife, daughter, sister, friend, coach and High School teacher.  The past year has been the greatest challenge of my life.  Just before Christmas 2015 my family lost our little boy James at 23 weeks pregnant.  As if that wasn't I have breast cancer.  I am blessed with wonderful health insurance, but there are many needs while going through chemo that are not covered with a wig and head covers being the most costly need.  These funds will help pay for wigs, head covers, gas for traveling to appointments and time off of family members to help me.  Any and all donations are welcomed.  I hope and pray that some day I can repay this generosity to others!  For now, Thank you and God Bless!


  • Niko Rodriquez
    • $40
    • 7 yrs


Elayna Durso
Cedar Springs, MI

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