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Help me get to Zimbabwe, Africa

Don protégé
I love the Lord above all things and doing His will is my desire! I know going to this mission trip is God's will for me in this time of my life. I would love to live this experience of putting myself in a different country! Different continent! To get out of my conform zone! I pray that going to Zimbabwe God will allow me to see how He sees them, to love how He loves them, and to serve how HE serves them. And just only for the people from Zimbabwe but for everyone! I pray that God can connect me so much with the act of serving that I may do it everywhere I go and with everyone I met. That I may always see, love, and serve as He would!

The primary purpose of this trip is to help Celebration Church in Zimbabwe put on a Women's Conference ("Shine!") for the women of Zimbabwe. This conference will be a time of refreshing and empowering for the women who often serve as the sole provider in rural families. We will also have the opportunity to help feed children! The church help feed over 18,000 children every week!

I am going to need a lot of support. And I don't just mean financially. One crucial way for you to partner with me is through prayer. Your prayers really do make a difference! I will especially need prayer leading up to and during (August 9-21) the trip.

And I will also need financial support. :D I have included the deadlines as well as the total cost for the trip:

April 8th $150 (paid)
April 22nd $600 (paid)
May 6th $1,000 (paid)
June 9th $1,250 (paid) :)!
June 24th $500
July 8th $500

Total cost $4,000

That may seem like a lot of money, but I know it is NOT impossible =) Please pray and give only what you feel you are led to give. Every bit really will make a difference. Trust me!

Thank you so much! Stay Bless!

Faire un don


  • Rock of Salvation Church
    • $140 (don hors ligne)
    • 11 yrs
  • Abue Susana & Tio Roberto
    • $100 (don hors ligne)
    • 11 yrs
  • Gissella Altuna
    • $20 (don hors ligne)
    • 11 yrs
  • Familia Orosco
    • $20 (don hors ligne)
    • 11 yrs
  • Addy :)
    • $10 (don hors ligne)
    • 11 yrs
Faire un don


Daniella CacedaBarreda
Jacksonville, FL

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    Votre don est protégé par la Garantie des dons GoFundMe