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Support for Dave and Family

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Dave is my friend Tammys husband and farther to Alex , Hollie and Megan. Friday was there 17th wedding anniversary but Friday was also the day that Dave had a awful accident while on a biking holiday in France with his dad. Dave lives for his family and his bikes and although being a very experienced biker has managed to have one of the worst accident possible . Dave is currently in a coma in a hospital in France . Tammy flew out Friday to be at her husbands side and its taken till today (Monday) for an English dr to explain the extent of Dave's injuries .......

Tammys words tonight ....
"I spoke to an English Dr today who explained everything from the accident to how he is now.
He fell 30 metres, and never regained consciousness. He has broken two bones in his back, 4 ribs, has blood in his lung, sone both collarbones, broke a bone in his hand, fractured his arm, dislocated his ankle all of which can heal. The concern they have is he is still bleeding on the brain, continues to put more pressure on his brain. The artery that had narrowed hasn't widened with the increased blood pressure. She said he is a fighter, but there has been no change since Friday.
I can't do anything other than sit and talk to him. This is definitely the worst thing I've ever done, watching the one you love unconditionally suffer. If anything changes I will let you know and hopefully it will be more positive X"

As you can imagine the strain on them as a family must be immense , Tammy is only aloud with Dave from 2:30pm till 10:30pm every day and is sleeping in a waiting room, their children are still in England at home with Tammys mom and are being extremely brave , the impact of this awful situation will only increase as while our first concern is for Dave to make a full recovery, they are both set to be out of work for quite some time yet, Tammy was due to start a new job at a new school September and is now uncertain if the position will remain,

Where ever this happened it would of been awful but for them to be so many miles away just adds to the stress and outset they are all facing please dig deep guys and let's see if we can give them all just one less thing to worry about xx



  • Chris Bourne
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    • 8 yrs


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