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Emergency Home Repairs

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Our family is in crisis due to a leaking roof that has been a problem for a very long time. Recently, we found a company to renovate 2 bathrooms and do black mold remediation to fix the damages. We did have a new roof done recently, but it was too little too late. After the company’s analysis we learned that the damage was worse than we thought. The three rooms and the whole back wall of our house need to be gutted and rebuilt, and it is currently unsafe to live in. The kids and I have been in hotels for over 2 weeks. The entire house needs to be emptied as the remediation causes the mold to fly and stick to every available surface. The cost of staying in hotels has been huge, and the repairs are estimated to be around $50,000. Allstate has determined that there is no claim, and we will receive no assistance from them. Once repairs begin, we will be completely out of the house for 3-4 weeks. I remain sick with lung irritation which includes edema. When in the house, I use a military grade mask to reduce exposure. We need funds, not only for the repairs, but for housing, food, and amenities during this transitional period. Any amount helps. Thank you


  • Dave LaCascia
    • $50
    • 6 yrs


Patricia Cladek
New Brunswick, NJ

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